15 Lead Scoring Points to Use

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We are in the process of revamping our contacts database to include a new Lead Scoring system. It’s “very” time consuming. But, we are certain it will pay off in the end. I have read quite a bit about various lead scoring systems. I am convinced that it is a must do for organizations.

The idea is that you give folks a point for various activities and facts that you value about them. Folks with higher scores should get more of your attention with respect to prospecting for sales; and promotional and other outreach. I am tickled by the concept because many, many years ago my brother had a scoring system for his personal contacts. He was an accountant and he kept an accounting ledger about people. He gave folks points for helping him out, remembering his birthday, hanging out with him, etc. One year he bought me a new tv set because I was so good to him. I thought it was weird to be so anal. But, you really should treat your advocates best.

We are painstakingly checking out every single one of our contacts online. So much changes over time – and especially due to the down economy. Some folks have moved on to new positions. So far, two of our contacts got in trouble with the law. Yikes! So, needless to say, they were removed from our list!

Here are 15 items that get points in our lead scoring system:

1. Connected on Linked
2. Connected on Twitter
3. Connected on Facebook
4. Has LIKED our Facebook business page
5. Located in our Target geographic markets
6. An INC 1000 firm
7. Opened our emails
8. Luv’d our business on Intuit’s LUV a business page
9. Commented on our wordpress blog
10. Subscribes to our wordpress blog
11. We have talked or corresponded online
12. Registered for a Seminar
13. Downloaded our ebook or other documents from our website
14. Subscribes to our Newsletter
15. Current or past customer

As you can see, conversation and dialogue is very important to what we do. Social interaction expands our scope and reach.

What items would you add to the list?


By Clovia Hamilton, President, Lemongrass Consulting, Inc.
Clovia founded Lemongrass Consulting in 2005 with nearly 30 years of government work experience and serves as a procurement counselor in the Georgia Tech Procurement Assistance Center (GTPAC). Lemongrass Consulting provides strategic planning solutions including government contracting strategic marketing plans, intellectual property, social media marketing strategic plans, and other services. Contact Clovia at:
■ Web: http://www.lemongrassplanning.com/
■ Blog: https://cloviahamilton.wordpress.com/
■ LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/cloviahamilton
■ Twitter: http://twitter.com/lemongrassplans
■ Email: chamilton@lemongrassplanning.com

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4 Responses to “15 Lead Scoring Points to Use”

  1. SWrightBoucher ~ Leading With Passion Says:

    Hi Clovia,

    What a great idea – and I can see that it is time consuming.

    Some other categories that come to mind are:
    payment history, corporate credit rating, serviced by competitor


  2. Carolyn Stephens (@wadesmom) Says:

    That is indeed a *huge* project! How much time does it take per contact?

    • cloviahamilton Says:

      It is huge. I’ve tried and stopped before. This time, it’s a must do. I read an article by a guy who said his company took the time to do this and it made a huge positive impact on how they targeted prospects and conducted their marketing and promotions.

      I just did 20 in 35 minutes between 6pm and 6:35. So, it’s taking about 2 minutes for each contact. I do about 100 a day and I estimate that the total project will take 2 months.

      Finding folks’ mailing addresses seems to be the toughest. I want to use Send out Cards and with ecommerce it takes time to find addresses. Manta is a good source.

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